Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sprint Motorola Photon 4G world phone first look


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Working on personal branding by turning myself into a cartoon

Granted it's going to be an adult cartoon, but a cartoon nonetheless.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Swimming across the Androidtic Ocean

-- Photos shared with Fish Bowl Photo Gallery.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Postcards from Hell

Wish you were here!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Promoting your Font skills with The Mistress of Time and Space

I have an idea, and it may be a good one. I am hoping to get ideas for several projects I am working on, and hoping to warm the cold fee that I have concerning font creation, all in one fell swoop. I do not have dollars and cents to offer participants, but I do have sense, of the graphical design type. I am hoping to highlight your own font creations, by using your font in the header for my blog "Cherish the Hellfire", which is a site that I use to showcase my own stream-o-conscious, which gratefully tends to swirl around the subjects of art, digital art, digital art creation and tools, open-source everything, and creating culture on a shoestring. I plan on using the freakishly huge image of myself as the background for the font that will be highlighted this week. I don't have all that many visitors here, and honestly don't post as much as I'd like, but that is all changing due to the fact that I now have a paying(ish) design job that will keep me grinding at the keyboard, wacom tablet, and edge of the chair(insert NSFW mental image here) for many hours a day for several weeks to come, so the posts will be flowing like cream filling around these *parts*. What have you got to lose, besides some self-respect, twitter followers (I say vagina and boobies a lot) and the 10 minutes it will take to submit a font? 
Every single person that submits a font will get a whole (2 paragraph) blog post about them and their work, written by little 'ol me, and the 4 fonts that get chosen by a team of experts (at what they like..Sports racers, get your voting fingers ready) will be used as the header for this blog for one week each, with attributions and links to more of your work finding a home in the sidebar (at the bottom of this page). Free publicity, tweeting your skills to the world, and a permanent home in the heart of The Mistress of Time and Space. 
What's not to love? Don't answer that....just start submitting. 



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