This post is in honor of the zefrank/forum, and the chica that infected me and many others with visions of world where we make the linguistic rules, and we can bend them at our whims for our own amusement. Lilgothicfairy85 first mentioned this game on 11-21-2006, when @zefrank was in the midst of his daily video blog, and many of his goofy fans hung around his forum and talked smack to each other about everything from current events to group projects. it was an awesome community, and although most of us have gone our seperate ways since The Show ended, web 2.0 has somehow still managed to keep many of us connected.
The Vagina Game was one of many activities we made up for each other to practice collaborating on ideas, but in a very peripheral way. Games like this are a great way to get others involved with, well, whatever. Once the communication starts, the skies the limit.
The Vagina game is very simple. Movie/book/song name with one of the words changed to vagina: "Star Wars: Episode V - The Vagina Strikes Back", for example. Just googled "the vagina game" and was amazed at how many people out there like to play it. Heh. I'm on @Twitter quite a bit, and I've found that twitterspace is a great place to get others involved with peripheral silly activities.
I love springing the Vagina Game on my followers, just so we all get to talking about *something*. On the downside, I end up losing some followers, but upside is the followers that hang around end up being the kind of peeple that can handle light hearted humor, even if it does virge on the banal, inane, and risque. Those are my kind of peeps. Life is too damn short to take it so seriously.
@Cherishhellfire *is* NSFW, unless you work at home or in a pr0n shoppe.
This is a taste of the strangeness that can happen in social networks when you throw a vagina into the middle of the room!
cherishhellfire: @thepete Doesn't 'The United Vagina's of America' just kinda roll off the tongue?
thepete: @cherishhellfire not sure what the rules are to the vagina game but can I suggest United States of Vaginamerica?
Tekphreak: @cherishhellfire vagina's are forever (1971)
HarlDelos: @cherishhellfire James Bond fans would love "The Man With The Golden Vagina"
cherishhellfire: Never Say Never Vagina
HarlDelos: @cherishhellfire Like the 1975 Don Johnson movie, "A Boy and his Vagina"? Is that a good entry in the game?
cherishhellfire: @HarlDelos Awesome entry into the vagina.....game. One flew over the cuckoos vagina.
Faeriebutch: @cherishhellfire movies... 'Dude, Where's my Vagina?" "Harry Vagina and the Chamber of Secrets" "What Vaginas[Dreams] May Come?"
uncleplayground: @cherishhellfire Star Wars: Return of the Vagina
KidsOnChemicals: @cherishhellfire sisterhood of the traveling vagina
cherishhellfire: The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Vagina
Akelaa: @cherishhellfire *dying* Boy vagina! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA
Akelaa: @cherishhellfire Let the Right Vagina In
Akelaa: @cherishhellfire Gleaming the Vagina
Neo_drone: @cherishhellfire hehehe 28 Vagina's Later
cherishhellfire: @jalapno The Vagina Supremacy!
TregorySullivan: @cherishhellfire The Fantastic Vagina: RISE of the Silver Surfer
jalapno: @cherishhellfire Happy Vagina
cherishhellfire: @TregorySullivan Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Vagina Warriors!
TregorySullivan: @cherishhellfire Touche. And for irony: Zorro: The Gay Vagina
TregorySullivan: @cherishhellfire Race to Vagina Mountain
cherishhellfire: @Neo_drone The Vagina wears Prada
TregorySullivan: @cherishhellfire Friday the 13 Part IV: A New Vagina
jalapno: @cherishhellfire then it would be The Bourne Vagina?
TregorySullivan: @cherishhellfire Cannibal: The Vagina
Neo_drone: @cherishhellfire The Vagina's Advocate
cherishhellfire: 2001: A Space Vagina
cherishhellfire: @Herbwoman W00t! Apocalypse Vagina?
Neo_drone: @cherishhellfire The Vagina Club
cherishhellfire: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Vagina
cherishhellfire: I'll start...an easy one: Raiders of the lost Vagina
cherishhellfire: Vagina game: Movie/book/song name with one of the words changed to vagina: "Star Wars: Episode V - The Vagina Strikes Back"
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