Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fractals, Flames and Bubbles

I can't seem to get away from the type of designs I end up making when I'm not thinking about it too much. Enjoy the flames and bubbles. I'm sure there will be more to come.

Multi pink and blue flame reflection 2 flamevajay

The flames started as a design for my friends kids phone wallpaper, and developed into something much cooler than I thought.

Blubble flames 3 fractskull

This bubble and skull design was started for my nephews b-day present: a custom skateboard from my Zazzle store.

In order to make it fit on the whole skateboard (I didn;t plan very well) I had to stretch the design to it's limits, but I don't think I t really lost it's appeal. It's still a "bitchin' Camaro".

Gigantiblubble flames long

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